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“The lighting design by James Smith is bright, eye catching and atmospheric… even the play-in-front cloths, which are normally rather plain. are delightful to look at” 

“outstanding lighting design (James Smith) that lifted the multifunctional set and allowed your imagination to fill in the required blanks of both space and time” 

 “the lighting designed by James Smith captures the different settings in New York and Havana perfectly.”  

“Lighting to illuminate the dockside cranes and create Harbour Glow, a striking new work by light designers James Smith and Audacious” 

“James Smith’s elaborate lighting design adorns many of the numbers effectively, without being obtrusive.”

 “James Smith who designed the lighting used a predominantly fixed rig that was clever and discrete. The lighting was superb.” 

“With lighting designer James Smith’s clever coloured highlighting, we have bright flashes into the world of music hall” 

Mark Aspin 

The whole cast was superb and the sets, lighting, and music of the highest standard 

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